Friday, February 26, 2016

This week was great

This week was good. I had a sweet mile stone. So the incvestagator Eskameesa. Turns out his name is actually Chicamisse. I learned that while writing a ficha batismal. OR BAPTISM PAPER WORK

It was super cool to have my second baptism already and the first that i got to do.

He was super ready and aced the interview and since they dont have addresses here we got super frustrated with the gps but it all worked out in the end Chicamissa is a member of the church now and i think next week he will get the Priesthood and be ordained to a deacon and have his first calling. We are super excited.

I forgot my journal and so i dont remember everything thats going on. 

My comp is brushing his teath with bleach to make them whiter despite my repeated warning for his life.

Theres something weird in my thoart that makes hiccuping hurt but im told ill be fine.

We have 11 more people to baptize this transfer.

Fernando and Juakima are moving with there documents (finally). we went and talked with the secretary of the bairo and he moved to process along. 

Joao and Marta are just waiting for the mucipio to finish with their declaracao of residencia

We have algumas outras pesqisadores que estao a progredir.

today we went to the wood market and i bought a lion and a rhino. there pretty awesome.

tomorrow is zone conference which will be about humility and pride and will be awesome. THere will also be food there that we dont have to pay for.

the day after will be a day to go down in history.

It is a world wide missionary broadcast from the first presidency. Literally every single missionary will be listening at the same time aand its gonna be awesome!

any way

portugues e muito bom e eu gosto muito desta idioma.

What 'ere thou art,
Act well thy part.

Doesent matter if you are senior companio or zone leader or trainee or big sister of mom or dad or missionary or man or woman. God put us where we are in the position were in because he knows we can flourish there or because it will lead to a place we can flourish. We must act well our part.

Love "yall"


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