Friday, February 26, 2016

I Had A Great Week OK

I keep telling myself that. :)

I have several things I am currently working on. Mostly is can be described as oil off a ducks back. or something like that. SO its grudges and forgiveness and pride and charity and humility.

The people here are insanely prepared. We taught one guy a lesson and now he has a white shirt and has been to church and knows the gospel is true and prayed and is reading O Livro de Mormon and we didnt even ask him to!

Elders are annoying. I got in trouble for not talking about my dream girl. and all the other elders do is talk about the girls they're writing. Super annoying.

That Rm i mentioned last week came with us to one of our lessons and HOLY COW CAN HE CALL DOWN THE FIRES OF HEAVEN ON OUR LAZY INVESTIGATORS. It was really cool.

So i got homesick again. And talked to some people about it and long story short it was a long week.

We had someone to come fix our door but he got here and said that its not metal its aluminum so he cant fix it so our door is still about to fall off. I started talking with the other elders in our zone and they are super cool! 

I found favourite passage in The Book Of Mormon. Its Second Nephi 4:16-35. It really helped me a lot this week. "I know in whom i have trusted"

We got our new mission plan for the year and everyone has very specific goals that were created based off the history of the area. So we need 29 contacts and like 20 total lessons per week. The elders upstairs need 270 contacts very week and 157 lessons. We all think its kinda funny. but  i think this new lesson plan is a great idea and it will be difficult to put into practice.

There was one house here that didnt have water for a week.

We found some weird bug crab this thats food but is still alive when you buy it and they sell everything here.

I bought ketchup chips and was suprised and slightly dissapointed cause they taste like ketchup.

So we have to have proselyting shoes and shower shoes and house shoes in order to avoid the things that live on the ground. But Elder Rispress has been using my shower shoes for a few weeks. so we bought super girly ones for him.

Theres also a word here that is Brazilian that all the missionaries use. Its fubeka. Its like super lazy or doesnt do what theyre supposed to.

The gift of tounges is real man. I talked with the mission president on the phone and he thought he was talking with my comp.

Theres a river of death in our area. So peoples bathrooms are rooms with pipes that go to holes in the ground and they stink and avoid them but this is a river of filth. and its next to the busiest road in our area and we get a million contacts there.

Lost power for two days this week.

We had lunch with the castro deus couple and is was super good. I like Brazilian food. Mozambique doesnt have any food thats especially mozambiquan.

The transfer ended yesterday. I totalled everything up and we had 147 lessons in 6 weeks. Thats pretty good. I think I'm gonna baptize someone this saturday. :) His name is Eskimeesa and he is super cool. Hes been to church for like 8 months but was never baptized and we met another person like that.

transfers today. Not alot changed. I have the same comp.

Elder Castro Deus does something really cool. He takes pictures of the happy people here. Now he has more that 1000 different pictures of people "com almas feliz" with happy souls even though these people have nothing.

Eu lhes amo.

Elder Lorimer

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