Sunday, January 10, 2016

2 months?...

Maybe i dont know how long its been. Everything just kinda blends together.
Hi guys
Its really hot here and its 50 metacais to use the computer. The money here is crazy. So the exchange rate for the  church is something like 48 metacais for a dollar. so when i go shopping is spend like 1200 met but only like 23 dollars. Its weird.
Any way Its officially christmas!
Monday when I was in Maputo I went to the embassy and was still the only white person, so they would translate everything people were saying, but I understood so i just kinda smirked to myself. So i got my background check checked at the embassy and then went to immigration and got my visitors visa changed to a residance visa and we were there at the same time as some sisters, and apparently there's an unspoken rule here that elders don't talk to sisters, and the secrataries told me not to expect to ever talk to one of the sisters while I'm here. So I think that's a load of bad missionary juju or something. Of course we can talk to the sisters but whatever. My trainer agrees so its chill.
When we got back to the mission office there was a tiny 3 foot tree set up in the corner. Yay for christmas.
The next morning I got onto a flight to Beira that i almost didn't have a ticket for. The secrataries are magic and I got on it. But i flew to Tete which is the wrong side of Mozambique, and holy cow that is the hottest place i have ever been in. The keyboards here are all wacky. Any way they made me get off the plane in Tete and I thought that was a terrible idea, cause even though there was literally only my plane there, there's no way I would be able to understand enough of what's going on the get back on it. Oh well after a few more hours I made it safely to Beira. My area is the Maraza b area. I live with three other missionaries, and the house above and on the side is also missionaries, and there's a house 35 feet away that's also missionaries.

There are lions in our front yard sometimes. I'm just kidding, but there might be a flood. Also we don't have a front yard. We do have bars over our windows though.
But my comp is sweet. Hes from Michagan and has done some college and is a great teacher. His name is 
Elder Huffaker. He's also the district leader.
OH I fixed our microwave after we bought a new one and they don't do returns here. Oh well we gave it to the senior couple.
The other elders in our district are the zone leaders so I'm the only one with no assigned responsibility.
We walk in our area a lot and I get to go on splits with one of the zone leaders a lot, so that the investigators can be interviewed. Sunday was good here but its really hot. like I'm dying on the inside. All the time.
We take these taxi things to our area, and they're 7 met a piece which is really cheap.
Its really hot.

So dinner is frozys and crackers in the area for about ten minutes. Frozys are really good and 12 met.
 There are eight people currently lined up to be baptized on the 26 of december but most of them need to be married before then and their all trying but the guy they need to talk to is never there.
Also we decorated our room with Christmas stuff but we don't really have a lot of Christmas stuff so we have a lot of ensign pictures hanging up.
So today we played gator ball and that like soccer but if it bounces off someones foot you can catch it and run with it and if someone on the other team touches you, you have to put the ball on the ground. Its super intense and super fun.
Sometimes we lose power and sometimes we lose water but we have so much water storage its insane.
Its kinda warm here
Tomorrow I have choir, then a zone meeting, then leadership meetings I'm not invited to but I have to stay and wait for my comp.
The rainy season should start pretty soon, and summer is in full swing here. When it rains its supposed to be like 3 feet of water for about a week afterward.
I'm going to lunch with my comp today.
any way
love yall
You think its warm where you are come here.
Elder Lorimer

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