Sunday, January 10, 2016

Another Summer Day has come and gone and I'm dying of heat stroke


Wazzup peeps

I had another otimo semana.

Nos vimos milagres cada dia .

tao no dia depois de natal provavelment vamos ter um joven batisado. Stinking marrige docs. It takes forever and our area has the worst secretary. She is never home and people who want to get married have to go to her like three times for a signature.
I went on a split and spoke in Sina for the first time and the kids freaked. Also I am pretty sure that I'm the first white person the people have seen sometimes. A lot of kids touch me just cause they can.

Bull tail rice flavoring is good.

Oh everyone here has goats for Christmas so they buy live ones a few weeks early. Then the kill them and we see goat bones everywhere. And they eat all of the goat including the brains which leads to some interesting noises and bad dreams.

We've had a guy at our house from the office to fix stuff so our shower and ac works now. the bottom of the shower wasn't properly sealed so under the shower was full of water. It was crazy.

I've had some weird dreams. The weirdest is proboblay when my dad went through the misson phone to make sure we were using it correctly.

One of the tender mercies of the Lord is that when accidentally I touch the hot iron i don't get burns. It actually happens quite a lot.

My comp had humpday last week and decided to speak as much portuguese as possible. Its skyrocketed my portuguese.

I teach alot and contact all the time. Please guys give references to the missionaries. I'm supposed to have like 15 references a week but we've has like three cause nobody tells us people.

Chapas are annoying and people on them are dumb.


I cleaned out the area book, and found a progress record that was filled out by Irmao Barlow. (That was JP's MTC teacher)  It was crazy.

We were doing contacts and my comp looked into their house and saw a monkey tied up so naturally we held it. Then it pooped on my comp. :)

We have professional chefs in our house. The other elders cook good stuff all the time but sometimes they get the portions wrong. For example, 4 tablespoons of salt instead of 1/4 tablespoon. That was an interesting meal.

I also want a cool arrangement of If You Could Hie to Kolob and How Great Thou Art to learn for piano. Oh we have a baby piano in our house now so i play a lot.

Can someone please send me some real playing cards. I have cards from Mozambique but they are garbage. all I want for Christmas is bicycle playing cards.

The kids here are crazy. I have a lazer pointer. They think its gonna burn them so we play with that for a while with them and then show them its safe and then they try to get it. And they have so much energy. 

Turns out kids are kinda dirty. Anythime we play with them, that day we come home brown.

Christmas is soon I guess.

People here are crazy about magic. They freak out if you pull your finger off or do the blowing on you tie trick. Imagine how it goes when I change the card in their hand while they hold it.

They're are some ugly animals here. There's a duck thing that looks like its face is covered in scabs. Also roosters are one of they most annoying animals on the face of this planet. They always manage to crow right in the middle of the prayer or the spiritual part of the lesson.

They have a word here for white man. Its Muzungo. It's not man literally just means you're white but there's so few white people here that anytime any one sees us they yell muzungo to which we reply mosoku which is their african dialect for hello and they are taken aback.

All the elders in the zone like our post-it note countdown.

To day were going to the Gotu which is the biggest open air market in Mozambique. Then we're giving each other haircuts.

Its super hot here. Every night we make a pot of popcorn and eat the whole thing. I finished one and found a bug that had boiled to death in the oil and that was gross.

Any time it's super hot it's supposed to mean rain and it rained for about 35 seconds this morning and now its really hot again.

I've been reading in the bible dictionary and there was a mountain whose name escapes me that Moses stood upon and viewed the promised land. I think we should all stand on the mountain every day. Because we live in the promised land.

So I have Joao and Marta and Helder and Perola and Fernando and Juakim( with there kids joao and armadillo) who are ready to be baptized except for the marriage process.
Vosco is a joven (youth or young adult) who is also ready to be baptized and we think he'll be the only on on the 26 of december. 
We also teach some part member families and less actives.
all in all the work is going very well.

Love "yall"

Elder Lorimer

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