Sunday, January 10, 2016

I think I slept more than I proscelyted

Its been a long good week.

On Monday night the only "Lesson" we had was with the Bishop. His name is Bishop Fumbe and he is super nice. He's trying to learn English so he can teach English at one of the four schools in our area and help his kids have better lives. So we helped him with English and taught them how to play "Go-Fish" for the activity of FHE.

He was super late, so Myself and Elder Huffaker sat and waited and talked about goals for the next transfer. I think we're looking at 12 baptisms this upcoming transfer. I think Three Jovens (young adults...?) and the rest families.

Yesterday Joao and Marta told us they wanted to pay a lobolo, which is a african tradition to pay the family of the wife 4000 metacais. Missionaries only get 7900 a month to live. Lobolo is a challenge for almost all of our families but it was especially disappointing because This family almost has there documents done and is ready to be baptized on the day 30 of  January but now there's a 4000 metacais road block in the way.

I wasn't feeling good on Wednesday so my comp told me to take a nap after lunch and I slept for 6 hours(with permission from the senior couple in Beira) and woke up to go to work for three hours. We taught three lessons and found someone who speaks English. Unfortunately we can't teach him cause he's from South Africa.

So we had to be in the house at 17 on new years eve cause everyone is drunk and playing with fireworks. Firecrackers kinda sound exactly like the car crash so I am super jumpy, and the fire crackers aren't supposed to go away for another month.

Man being the newby is no fun, especially in my house cause My companion is District Leader and the other two elders in my district are the Zone Leaders so i am asked (very politely) if i will go have an extra 30 minutes of study time at least twice a week so they can talk about stuff.

So also because we had to be in the house so early, new years we didn't have study time in the morning we had it when we got back. That meant that we taught ten lessons that day! That's a lot.

We also have a new investigator Moises. He is keeping all his commitments and coming to church and we are super excited for him. When he prayed to know that Joseph Smith was a prophet someone knocked on his door during the prayer. It was a guy that owed him 8000 met. He got 8000 met that he wasn't expecting immediately after he asked the question. It was a miracle.

I also accidentally put bleach in my load of dark clothes so if anyone has an un-bleach pen i would love it.

Because every one came back early new years we had a dinner get together thing at 21:00 after we finished studies. We made so much popcorn. We ran out of it yesterday.

I eat a lot of rice.

We also got some grape frozys for free. drank them and they were delicious.

Later that night we were trying to find Moises again, and we couldn't so we said a prayer and ended up finding an old investigator that we had forgotten about and marking with him and them finding a casa de Moises.

After we got home I saw that free frozy again. (I think he is sayting he threw up) It was gross. And ended up on the wall but my sweet district people helped me clean it up which is way more than I would have done.

The next day I studied like normal but didn't feel like eating but I had to eat cause it was time to fast. So I ate lunch and went for another nap at 12:00 and i was allowed to sleep till 13:30 so we could still make it to our meeting to organize the home teachers(that's how new the church is) and didn't wake UP TILL 17:30. THAT IS WAY TO MUCH TIME IN BED EVEN IF YOUR SICK. but the senior couple allowed it.

Elder Huffaker is melting his name tags. On accident
We also got a call that we didn't answer in time, so we called back and the phone told us that number were trying to call doesn't exist....

One of the members here just got back from his mission like two weeks ago. We talked to him and he said his mission call was " we will have a car at your house tomorrow at 8. Be ready to leave for two years."  And there was no MTC. Straight to marromeu for eight months and then to Brazil.

Missionaries don't know big words in English or Portuguese.

Elder Couch gave me a great description of a mission. He said that A mission is like a tunnel. when you first get in you you're walking backwards cause you miss the light and it goes really slowly. Then eventually the light fades and you're walking blind and time goes pretty quick. Then you see the light at the other end of the tunnel and get trunky and time flies by.

I think I'm about at the turning around point.

So our door doesn't work at all and sometimes opens by itself. It did that this morning and so my companion creeps out of the room with a pen completely forgetting that we have a machete.

My Portuguese is going super duper well. And its definitely not me cause I could not learn french to save my life.

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