Tuesday, November 10, 2015

week 2


Tudo bem?

     Its been another busy week at the MTC. Every morning we wake up at 6:30 And go to study time in the classroom then breakfast then study time/ lesson then lunch then study time/lesson then dinner then study time/lesson then there's an hour at the end of the day for what ever we want to do.

     My Zone is really cool and its been so much fun leading them. During our "free time" (you're supposed to stay in residence) we have story time or music a cappella stuff. Theres one elder in my zone who is the funniest guy you will ever meet. He used to be super into metal and had long hair and would head bang but now hes on a mission so he just has lots of stories for us. They are the highlight of everyone's day.

    We also have a beat boxer from one of byu's acapella groups in our zone(Unfortunately not vocal point.) and he'll start a song beat and then all the rest of us add melody and harmony. I found out that I am really good at rapping primary songs. its pretty crazy stuff.

     Since i got here we have lost 7 people out of our zone to the Sao Paulo MTC. So if your mission is in brazil you're supposed to go to the MTc there but if you visa doesn't come then you come to provo and wait for it. Just this morning we said goodbye to five out our elders. There are at least 4 more people that will leave before the 6 weeks here are up.

     Every sunday and tuesday night are devotionals. They rock and i sing in the choir for the tuesday night devotional and i'm gonna audition to have a solo in the sunday night devotional. Also don't tell any one but I think one of the twelve is gonna addresses us tonight. Its kinda a big deal.

     So that crazy elder i told about? his name is elder Jensen and he brought something with him to entertain everyone. They're pistachios that are cover in ground scorpion pepper. of course i had to try some. They're actually not that bad.Until you touch your eyeball. then it hurts pretty bad.... Can someone send me some ghost peppers or carolina reapers please? thanks. At this point ive had about 25 pistachios.

     Elder jensen also bought a shirt from the book store. they have shirts that have you mission and your years on it. He is going to porto portugal but bout an arkansas little rock shirt. the looks he gats are great. I am also borrowing his cologne. I call it cologne but is perfume. from victoria's secret. "Pure seduction. It smelllssss ssooooooo gooodd. 

     For those who are wondering what im actually learning I have taught five l;essons and commited our "investagator"  to baptism. He is now outr second teacher. So now we have irmao Sears and Irmao Belchoir(bell-shore) irmao belchoir is from mozambiqu so i am learning alot about pronunciatin and such.

I love Utah and mountains and the temple and this gospel. 

Eu tenho um testimunho de familias eternal. eu sie que o evangelho de Jesus Cristo e restaurado e verdadeiro.

Love "Y'all"

Elder Lorimer

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