Friday, November 27, 2015

last full MTC week

Como ta!

Been a good week. Not too much happened. Lots of cleaning and learning. Portuguese is going great. And I realize that all the portuguese speakers who read this are brazilian, but man brazilian portuguese is weird. 

My pet dinosaur jesseppi officially died. He is now sitting headless under elder jensens bed with a gravestone in front of him. Like I said before elder jensen is a great artist so while i was reading in ether he drew nimrod the might hunter and it might be one of my favorite pictures in the world.

I got cool scripture cases in the book store for my portuguese copies and am in the process of water proofing them.

And very important. This week I got my flight plans. I am leaving the mtc at 6 am on monday and flying to atlanta then j-burg then maputo. By myself. I am not going with anyone and thats sad.

I have got all of my investigators to commit to baptism and I had a skype TRC on Friday which went absolutely horrible. He just talked about a bunch of stuff that we didnt understand and i said about four words. I learned a lot from it though so  you know theres that.

MY FIRST MISSION PACKAGE CAME THIS WEEK! I got lots of stuff. Candy and a tie and a egg thing which the name escapes me. (It was a kinder egg)  but the toy in the middle was a lemur which was really funny cause at the beginning of my stay here some of the sisters couldnt remember my name so the called me elder lemur. Then they decided its my spirit animal. Actually they decided my spirit animal is king julian from madasgar. And i dont disagree. That taught me that even the lord has a sense of humor. 

I am so excited for the field.

My portuguese branch got combined with the other portuguese branch so now were all branch seven. we are supposed to get 35 more portuguese missionaries on wednesday(tomorrow).

I met another person in a mormonad. Elder smith in my zone is one of the singers in the come unto Christ music video.

The devo was soo cool! we got to see the new christmas video that doesnt come out till nov Its way cool.

Elder short broke his camera.

My house keeping skills are coming in handy cause i have taught several elder how to send letters polish shoes sew and tie ties.

Lots of snow yesterday

ALso qtip needs to up its game cause i dont need 170 qtips. Its insane. I dropped off some dry cleaning first time ever!

ALso last night was fun cause we threw glo sticks under the other elders doors and listened to them be confused.

I also had an illegal snow ball fight.

ACTS 5:41

Love "Y'all"

Elder Lorimer

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