Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving at the mission office

last full MTC week

Como ta!

Been a good week. Not too much happened. Lots of cleaning and learning. Portuguese is going great. And I realize that all the portuguese speakers who read this are brazilian, but man brazilian portuguese is weird. 

My pet dinosaur jesseppi officially died. He is now sitting headless under elder jensens bed with a gravestone in front of him. Like I said before elder jensen is a great artist so while i was reading in ether he drew nimrod the might hunter and it might be one of my favorite pictures in the world.

I got cool scripture cases in the book store for my portuguese copies and am in the process of water proofing them.

And very important. This week I got my flight plans. I am leaving the mtc at 6 am on monday and flying to atlanta then j-burg then maputo. By myself. I am not going with anyone and thats sad.

I have got all of my investigators to commit to baptism and I had a skype TRC on Friday which went absolutely horrible. He just talked about a bunch of stuff that we didnt understand and i said about four words. I learned a lot from it though so  you know theres that.

MY FIRST MISSION PACKAGE CAME THIS WEEK! I got lots of stuff. Candy and a tie and a egg thing which the name escapes me. (It was a kinder egg)  but the toy in the middle was a lemur which was really funny cause at the beginning of my stay here some of the sisters couldnt remember my name so the called me elder lemur. Then they decided its my spirit animal. Actually they decided my spirit animal is king julian from madasgar. And i dont disagree. That taught me that even the lord has a sense of humor. 

I am so excited for the field.

My portuguese branch got combined with the other portuguese branch so now were all branch seven. we are supposed to get 35 more portuguese missionaries on wednesday(tomorrow).

I met another person in a mormonad. Elder smith in my zone is one of the singers in the come unto Christ music video.

The devo was soo cool! we got to see the new christmas video that doesnt come out till nov Its way cool.

Elder short broke his camera.

My house keeping skills are coming in handy cause i have taught several elder how to send letters polish shoes sew and tie ties.

Lots of snow yesterday

ALso qtip needs to up its game cause i dont need 170 qtips. Its insane. I dropped off some dry cleaning first time ever!

ALso last night was fun cause we threw glo sticks under the other elders doors and listened to them be confused.

I also had an illegal snow ball fight.

ACTS 5:41

Love "Y'all"

Elder Lorimer

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

week 4

Ola Irmaos e Irmas!

I has been a GREAT week.

To start I learned about the great emu war in australia. It is easily one of the funniest things i have ever leaned about. You can google it cause i am way to lazy to type it out. The devotional was good ant this week i think almost my whole zone is singing in the choir which is awesome!

I have begun to appreciate small thing on accident. I actually yelled for joy when i found a nickel. I was a weird experience. I sing a lot and my companion isn't a huge fan of songs. I just think he doesn't sing enough.

I Got a sick mission shirt. I has my mission flag inside the country shape and so my shirt has an AK47 with a bayonet on it and every one is jealous.

early morning service is hard cause its always cold buttt IT SNOWED! ITS SNOWING RIGHT NOW!
I am always cold but snow is worth it. I actually prayed for it and it happened so i blame my self) or take the credit?).

I perform almost every week in sacrament meeting with some other elders and sisters in the zone. The other portuguese zone only has 6 people in it so they come with us and i am spear heading an attempt for all the welders to do a musical number. I also think that there has not been a devotional where i have not been on the big screen so thats sweet!

Unfortunately guys do this thing whee whenever they get with three other guys there age and there are no sisters they turn into 12 year olds. so that's been an interesting experience.

I challenge all of you to do something that i am. READ THE NEW TESTAMENT IN A WEEK.
its only four hundred pages and although the gospels get a little boring cause they say the same things it is always interesting.

I think sunday counts as the best day ever. I was released as zone leader so that's kinda sad but we went to the temple and an elder came up to me and zoomed in on a picture on his ipad and asked if it was me photobombing in the background. it was :) My goal is to get in to as many photo albums as possible. I also checked something else off my missionary check list. I took a random girls camera and took a selfie on it. I don't think she knows yet.

yesterday was my companions birthday. he is now 25 which leads to some interesting problems  but anyway i have so much english chocolate right now. Every one in his family and all his friends keep sending him some. so i get more and more. So my companion is officially old. one more thing to make yesterday good was that dinner instead of burgers (which we seem to have all the time) WE GOT CHICK FIL A. I am stock piling sauce so i can use it in the field.

for the tuesday devotional we sang more holiness give me and we heard the story behind it but you can look that up. at one point the writer said he couldn't sing it anymore because it says more joy in his service i am beginning to feel that way. it is so much fun here! we also got our second investigator to be baptized.

Love "Yall"

Elder Lorimer

Whatever week this is (week 3)

Wazzup pessoas??

Having a companionship s weird and way more difficult cause i used to speak a little portuguese in the lessons and let my spanish companion take over the rest but now i speak portuguese for most of the lesson while and try to teach my comp during study time. Im teaching him the language and the gospel which is  exciting.

OOH THE DEVOTIONAL LAST WEEK WAS AMAZING! IT WAS ELDER NEIL L ANDERSON. AND I GOT TO SHAKE HIS HAND.   I probably wasnt supposed to be able to but i sorta ran into him after the devotional. so its all good. choir is a lot of fun and it is massive. the choir director is Brother Ryan Eggert (eggett?) and he directs the choir by telling funny stories and teaching the gospel to a group of missionaries twice the size of motab.

We have two new sisters in our zone and as zone leader i get to give them an orientation which went about as well as can be expected when i'm giving the tour. they're really nice but there both visa waiters. We also lost another elder this morning to sao paulo. and we expect to lose three more elders or sisters next week.

my comp went to the doctor and has something weird wrong with his chest and it might be muscle deterioration or it might be pneumonia. who knows. i got my malaria pills but the were originally prescriber to robert lorimer who was at the mtc about a year ago which is weird because i have yet to find a lorimer that isn't directly related to me.

My engineering skills are coming in handy because i'm fixing all sorts of stuff. unfortunately i have to tools or resources which make it a bit harder to fix stuff.

we did trc for the first time and it is super fun. taught lts of people all my lessons are going really well im doing great at portuguese. 

ALSO JOSH you better put up the christmas light cause they already have them up at the mtc and this is the lords ground so in our efforts to live after the manner of righteousness we need to emulate as much as possible which means putting up christmas lights the day before halloween. Its so cool!

halloween was fun i ate a lot of other peoples candy and dressed up as a certain christmas tie wearing danish missionary

during early morning service this week i discovered that for some reason the women's restrooms have urinals in them. weird.

I have also been on the big screen at devotional something like 6 times now which is pretty good. im gonna do a solo if i can and itll be great.

also i painted my name badge pink.....

love "yall"

Elder Lorimer

week 2


Tudo bem?

     Its been another busy week at the MTC. Every morning we wake up at 6:30 And go to study time in the classroom then breakfast then study time/ lesson then lunch then study time/lesson then dinner then study time/lesson then there's an hour at the end of the day for what ever we want to do.

     My Zone is really cool and its been so much fun leading them. During our "free time" (you're supposed to stay in residence) we have story time or music a cappella stuff. Theres one elder in my zone who is the funniest guy you will ever meet. He used to be super into metal and had long hair and would head bang but now hes on a mission so he just has lots of stories for us. They are the highlight of everyone's day.

    We also have a beat boxer from one of byu's acapella groups in our zone(Unfortunately not vocal point.) and he'll start a song beat and then all the rest of us add melody and harmony. I found out that I am really good at rapping primary songs. its pretty crazy stuff.

     Since i got here we have lost 7 people out of our zone to the Sao Paulo MTC. So if your mission is in brazil you're supposed to go to the MTc there but if you visa doesn't come then you come to provo and wait for it. Just this morning we said goodbye to five out our elders. There are at least 4 more people that will leave before the 6 weeks here are up.

     Every sunday and tuesday night are devotionals. They rock and i sing in the choir for the tuesday night devotional and i'm gonna audition to have a solo in the sunday night devotional. Also don't tell any one but I think one of the twelve is gonna addresses us tonight. Its kinda a big deal.

     So that crazy elder i told about? his name is elder Jensen and he brought something with him to entertain everyone. They're pistachios that are cover in ground scorpion pepper. of course i had to try some. They're actually not that bad.Until you touch your eyeball. then it hurts pretty bad.... Can someone send me some ghost peppers or carolina reapers please? thanks. At this point ive had about 25 pistachios.

     Elder jensen also bought a shirt from the book store. they have shirts that have you mission and your years on it. He is going to porto portugal but bout an arkansas little rock shirt. the looks he gats are great. I am also borrowing his cologne. I call it cologne but is perfume. from victoria's secret. "Pure seduction. It smelllssss ssooooooo gooodd. 

     For those who are wondering what im actually learning I have taught five l;essons and commited our "investagator"  to baptism. He is now outr second teacher. So now we have irmao Sears and Irmao Belchoir(bell-shore) irmao belchoir is from mozambiqu so i am learning alot about pronunciatin and such.

I love Utah and mountains and the temple and this gospel. 

Eu tenho um testimunho de familias eternal. eu sie que o evangelho de Jesus Cristo e restaurado e verdadeiro.

Love "Y'all"

Elder Lorimer

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week 1 MTC

Hey all!

Made it to the MTC Wednesdayy morning and had so much good food here. I have two companions, one from south texas (mission, texas) and another from Bristol England. They are both super cool. I am learning portuguese quickly and have already taught an investigator three times. Tomorrow we will extend the invitation to be baptized. Its very exciting. The book store is full of good stuff and on my first week here, myself and my companions were assigned to be the zone leaders. That comes with lots of cool perks.Mostly I have to carry a cell phone. (Im such a rebel). My plane was uneventful except that I sat by a sister from south dallas who talked my ear off about her sons missions. I have lots of pictures but cant attach any of them cause this computer wont let me preview them. Any way my investigators name is Geraldo and hes from Bolivia I think.


So in conclusion I am doing well I have nine hours of study time a day and cookies and cream milk isnt as good as it used to be.

O evangelho resotado e verdadiero. Eu se que families sao eternas. O livro de mormon e as palavras de deus.

Love "Y'all"

Elder Lorimer

Friday, October 16, 2015

Quick update

We got our first email from Elder Lorimer late last night.  He is safe and sound.  He says the food is wonderful. He has 2 companions.  He told us to look up  Which of course we already have.  If you want to send letters through that website it is free.  The information you need is Unit # 62, Mozambique Maputo mission, Departure date Nov 24.

He sounds really happy.  I will post his emails and pictures as they come in.  He has p-day on Tuesdays.

Address at MTC

Elder Joseph Peter Lorimer
2005 N 900 E Unit  62
Provo UT 84602

Pouch mail after Nov 24

Elder Joseph Peter Lorimer
Mozambique Maputo Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City UT 84130-0150

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Elder Lorimer begins his journey

Oct 14, 2015 we put Elder Lorimer on a plane bound for the Provo MTC.  We left at 4:30 am to get him there for his 6:00 flight.  He wore one of his Dad's mission tags, and it warmed my heart to see him in his new role. We love him and are so proud of him.  I will post his emails home here.  Thank you all for the support we have had to get him ready for this.  We appreciate all the leaders, teachers, friends, and family who contributed to the Man he is becoming. Love to all!